Letters to Lily Book

Letters to Lily Book


Sometimes I think, "For the love of God, what the hell are you doing now" would have been a better title for this book. But here it is, Letters to Lily, my second published word of art. This eclectic mix of prose, poetry and short stories is a guide for parenting someone who has left the house for the first time. Did you read those "What to Expect" baby and toddler books? Me too, but none of that prepared me for leaving a wide-eyed teenager on the sidewalk in front of her dorm room. The days that unraveled afterward were sweet, sad, and hilarious. I didn't think I had to tell her that you don't call the police when there are bugs in your room, but I should have. She did.

It's my dream that Letters to Lily encourages YOU to write about the complex, funny, and painful bits of loving someone so you never forget how beautiful, complicated, and maddening it all was. 

"Letters to Lily is a lovely follow-up to the laugh-out-loud One Hundred Birds Telling One Hundred Little Stories. Whether you read straight through or a little at a time, you will come back again and again to re-read the parts that resonate. (Get a second copy to share; you won't want to part with yours!)”

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